Persons with a Disability

WorkBC Employment Counsellors provide specialized employment services for Persons with a Disability at the Centre.

Our staff assist job seekers with disabilities to find employment. They assess skills; explore training options and in some cases, arrange funding; and help Clients develop and commit to a plan for finding employment. Employment Counsellors can also assist with résumés, cover letters, job search techniques, and interview preparation

We help individuals with disabilities connect with employers who put a high priority on having a diverse workforce. Clients find out about jobs that suit their skills and abilities and are supported throughout the job application process and once employed to ensure their continued success in the workplace.

We also provide consultation and training to employers on the recruitment and retention of individuals with disabilities.

Within our wheel-chair accessible resource area, staff are available to answer any questions, assist with job search and provide referrals to other services in the community. Clients are able to use a dedicated, adjustable (height) computer workstation equipped with assistive aids including: a large print keyboard, trackball mouse, headphones, and Dragon Naturally Speaking speech recognition software.

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